A victim advocate will guide a child and their family member/s through each step of their visit at Kids FIRST. They will also provide referrals and answer questions families have.

A child-friendly interview conducted by a trained forensic interview specialist. Interviews are recorded to help reduce the number of times a child has to tell their story.
It may be appropriate for a child to be examined by a specially trained physician. The physician determines the child's medical and emotional needs, and gathers evidence.

mental health
Kids FIRST is in the process of structuring and implementing a mental health program at its new center. We are thrilled to request the support of the community at this time for funding this project.
To date, we have received financial support from the following agencies:
Windermere Real Estate

mental health
Kids FIRST is in the process of structuring and implementing a mental health program at its new center. We are thrilled to request the support of the community at this time for funding this project.
To date, we have received financial support from the following agencies:
Windermere Real Estate

mental health
Kids FIRST is in the process of structuring and implementing a mental health program at its new center. We are thrilled to request the support of the community at this time for funding this project.
To date, we have received financial support from the following agencies:
Windermere Real Estate
Kids FIRST Notice of Privacy Practices
Minor Rights in Oregon
Kids FIRST Notice of Privacy Practices
Minor Rights in Oregon

If a child's case is accepted for review at the District Attorney's Office, Kids FIRST hosts grand jury on-site for the child and their family in a safe and familiar setting.

Mental health is a new program coming to Kids FIRST in 2021! Our goal is to reduce wait times for children that will benefit from specialized trauma informed therapy.

As the regional provider for northwest Oregon, Kids FIRST is eager to offer support and peer review to neighboring CACs and community partners.
Conoce a nuestro personal
Conoce a nuestro personal

servicios regionales
Oregon Regional Service Providers are training and technical assistance providers for Oregon’s Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs) and Child Abuse Centers (CACs). They are defined in ORS 418.782 (4) and reside within existing CACs.
Professionals in the field of child abuse and neglect are often members of their county’s Multidisciplinary Team. The MDT includes medical providers, child interviewers, law enforcement officers, child welfare case workers, victims’ advocates, counselors, social workers, attorneys, and school staff.
RSPs were created in 1991 when the legislature identified a need for the services listed below to be provided to CACs and MDTs. A slight increase in unitary assessment fines created funding for RSPs beginning in 1997.
The Department of Justice and the Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention (CAMI) Advisory Council identified the following regional services to be provided by RSPs:
Complex case consultation/assistance
Peer review for forensic interviews and medical assessments
Trainings; Forensic child interviewing and medical assessments
Referral and information
Outreach to county Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams
MDT requests that fall outside of the primary county of service
Oregon’s Regional Service Providers:
Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County
Over time, the CAMI Program, the RSPs, and the Oregon Network of Child Abuse Centers (ONCAC) have developed close working relationships. During the 2017-18 grant year, the CAMI Program, the RSPs, and the ONCAC completed a needs survey of the state, and based on the results, agreed to proposed statutory and administrative rule changes, reporting changes, and adjustments to service delivery. Additionally, themes of equal access for all children, standardization of resources and information, and fostering relationships across the state emerged as overarching goals for RSP grant.
As statewide regional training centers, RSPs strive to work collaboratively with one another and the Department of Justice (CAMI Program) to:
Promote communication and coordination of services among RSPs;
Determine statewide priorities that reflect the diversity of regions across Oregon for the provision of core regional services;
Promote training to MDTs and Centers based on best practice and current research.